Minutes passed and she didn't find the glasses. "Wait! I'm looking for my glasses," she said. She was getting frustrated.
"Say Bismillah, aunty. Ask help to Allah," said a 3 years old boy. The lady was surprised of her niece's words. Her face turned softer. She laughed. "Yea.. Bismillahirrohmanirrohim, Ya Allah show me my glasses Ya Allah," the lady followed the boy's suggestion. Finally, she found her glasses just under her blanket.
What the boy said was probably sound ridiculous for adults. He just practiced the lesson taught by his family. He was taught to ask help to Allah SWT for any difficulties. He probably recorded his experience when he wanted to watch tv but didn't find the remote control. His grandma, who actually knew where's that stuff, said to say Bismillah and ask Allah for help. Then after he did that, his grandma put the remote control near him and let him find it.
When this boy was like find a similar case like what happened to him, he directly suggested the same thing. He thought that if it worked on him when he looked for his stuff, it would work on his aunty too.
That 'little thing' was actually not a new lesson to an adult like that young lady. She knew that as a muslim, she should start anything by saying Bismillah. And whenever she got any difficulties, it is Allah SWT, the only one who can help. Adults taught any good lessons to the kids because they already knew those all things. But sometimes, they forget that lesson when it came to a 'little thing'.
The story of the boy and his aunty was just one of various ‘little things’. There're still a lot of little things that matter. Most adults say to the kids to eat and drink in a sitting position, using the right hand, and making dua first. They teach the kids to say Bismillah before start anything, say Assalamualaikum when they meet people, never talk loudly to people, and many others. Why? because they understand that the sunnah said so. But how many times adults practice it for themselves?
By the way, why should every single muslim’s activity have rules? Then what happen to people who keep following the sunnah in every single things in their life? Do their life get better? Did the young lady would keep lose her glasses if she didn’t call Allah SWT?
She would still find her glasses, probably. But the thing is, when she called Allah SWT, it means she involved the one who have the greatest care to help her. What happen to people who involved the one who really credible in their problem? They will be relax. Why? Because they’re sure that the one they involved would not regret them. So do the lady. Remember when the little boy’s suggestion easily change her face? She even could laugh after being frustrated. It was not only because the suggestion come from a little boy, but indeed she realized that she forget that ‘little things’.
The problem was still there, she still need to find up her glasses by herself, but one thing that changed was her heart. Her heart affected her feeling. Then her feeling affected the way she do something, the way she seek her stuff.