
Sabtu, 14 Januari 2017

[Diary clipping] Andalusia Goes To National Museum

Oleh: Sini Sri Gusdinar

Hari Minggu aku diajak jalan-jalan ke museum nasional, aku mau cerita tentang jalan-jalan minggu lalu ya.

Aku jalan ke museum Gajah. Museum Nasional itu sering dipanggil Museum Gajah. Tahu kenapa? Soalnya ada patung gajahnya. Bisa dibilang museum itu keren banget, soalnya disitu banyak banget benda yang baru aku lihat, dari mulai tempat dan semua isinya, karena aku baru pertama datang ke Museum Gajah.

Disana banyak patung manusia purba, keren deh. Terus banyak miniatur rumah adat gitu, lucu banget. Tadinya kalau bisa, pengen aku bawa pulang. Tapi sayang banget dipegang juga nggak bisa.

Aku paling suka ke tempat yang banyak banget koleksi dari keramik sama emas. Ternyata mahkota-mahkota kerajaan dulu disimpan disitu banyak banget, dan itu semua dibikin dari emas. Oiya, disitu juga ada tempat orang ngebatik, dan bisa ikut nyobain juga. Ternyata ngebatik itu susah banget. Ada latihan nari gitu, tadinya pengen banget ikut, tapi karena nggak bisa gajadi deh. Ada juga pertunjukan musik tradisional juga. Kalian yang belum pernah ke museum gajah harus kesana ya, karena itu keren banget untuk ngisi waktu libur.


Oleh: Annisa FA

Minggu kemarin tepatnya tangga 9 Januari 2017, aku bersama teman-teman dan kakak kelas diajak jalan-jalan sama guru les inggris yang cantik dan baik hati. Kamu tahu aku diajak kemana? Ke museum nasional.

Aku senang sekali karena itu pertama kali aku kesana. Aku dan teman-teman naik grab car, sekitar pukul 10 WIB. Disana aku melihat banyak sekali benda yang belum pernah aku lihat sebelumnya. Dan yang paling aku suka, waktu kami di lantai 4. Disana banyak sekali perhiasan kerajaan zaman dulu. Ah, andai saja aku boleh mengambil salah satu dari perhiasan tersebut, mungkin aku sudah kaya, hahaha.

Tiba-tiba saat melihat-lihat koleksi di lantai 3, Kak Novi merasa kepalanya pusing. Dan akhirnya kami turun ke bawah dan pulang mengantar ke asrama. Setelah mengantar kak Novi ke kamar, kami melanjutkan perjalanan untuk mengisi perut kami yang keroncongan. Kami tiba di sebuah tempat makan solo. Kami memesan makanan dan minuman, lalu menyantapnya bareng-bareng. Setelah semuanya beres, kami pulang ke asrama. Dan jalan-jalan hari minggu pun berakhir.

Selasa, 10 Januari 2017

A Little Vacation for Andalusias

Saturday (7/1/2017)

At about 10 am, Nova, Novi, Icha, Linda, and Sini was already in a good outfit. Everyone brought a small pouch on their shoulder. They're ready for a little reward for their good exam report last semester. They would go to National Museum of Indonesia in Central Jakarta. Finally they had a little fun thing to do outside the dorm in their last school holiday.

Cultural classes
It was their first time visiting National Museum of Indonesia. Entering the front hall of the building, they found some people practicing traditional dance. They froze for a moment watching people practicing Pendet, a traditional dance from Bali. Every participants wore a colourful shawl and corset on their belly. They moved their body and made a beautiful motion as the music played.

Exploring another corner, the girls moved their eyes to some people who played Gamelan (javanese music instrument). They walked to the Gamelan corner and watched people pushed the instrument that created a great sound. This traditional music instruments usually used as a musical accompanishment for javanese dance or javanese traditional shadow puppet.

Beside the gamelan corner, there was an old man making Batik (Indonesia traditional pattern). The girls came to the Batik corner and welcomed to practice making batik. The man gave the girls some patterned fabric, and what they need to do was just thickening the pattern using a tools called canting. This tools was just like a pen that filled with traditional ink. Everyone tried making batik one by one and realized that making batik was not that easy. They had to be careful in moving their hand, or the ink would just flowover the pattern. It needs a good accuracy and patience. That's why a hand made Batik is always expensive.

Every Saturday, National Museum of Indonesia provide some cultural classes and the visitors can join for free. It was the latest innovation of this museum to bring traditional culture closer to the people. It was really good program to educate people by giving personal experience. However, those cultural class is just an appetizer to attract visitors. The main course was actually in the room next the hall where various collections are placed.

Precious Collections
Entering the collection room in the ground floor, these five girls welcomed by a replica of ancient humans. This rooms brought the visitors to prehistoric life. There were some human fossils and other relics that found in Indonesia. 

The girls took some picture before they found a replica of tabuik in the corner of the room. It's a ceremony to remember the death of grandson of Prophet Muhammad SAW, Husain Ali. The word tabuik was originated from Arabic which means coffins. Some muslims believed the body of Husain was lifted up to the sky by Buroq. Buroq was symbolized by the figure of a horse with human head. 

Finished exploring the first floor, the girls went upstairs and they found another collections. There were many kind of inscriptions written in Sansekerta, Tionghoa, and Arabic language. They also found many traditional tools from all around tribe in Indonesia such as compas, globe, watercraft, and many others. There were also displayed replica of Borobudur, and traditional houses from various province. This floor was about the result of science and technology from ancient people.

Went one more upstairs, they found precious historical collections made from gold and ceramics. In the past, ceramics brought by traders when sailed to Indonesia. The collections were so fabulous. However, this floor was quite restricted. The visitors were prohibited take picture due to security of the stuffs. The regulator of the museum anticipated of any criminality by imitating the collection for specific purpose.
